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How a Late-in-Life Divorce Can Affect Your Health


Gray divorce, also known as late-in-life divorce, refers to divorce between older couples, typically in their 50s, 60s, or beyond. Several factors have contributed to the rise in gray divorce in recent decades, including increased life expectancy, more economic independence among the elderly, and shifting cultural norms about marriage. The most common reasons long-married couples split later in life are growing apart, not spending enough quality time together, and differences in interests or lifestyle preferences.

The end of a long-term marriage can be extremely difficult at any age. However, gray divorce tends to have particularly adverse effects on one's mental and physical health, which we will discuss in further detail below.

Gray Divorce & Its Potential Effect on Your Health

Research conducted and published in the Journal of Men’s Health demonstrates that individuals who have experienced divorce, irrespective of gender, tend to exhibit higher mortality rates, increased levels of depression, a greater incidence of general illness, and more prevalent substance abuse when compared to their married counterparts, even several years following their separation.

Psychological Effects

In the immediate aftermath of gray divorce, it is very common for older adults to experience intense grief, loneliness, depression, and anxiety. The sudden loss of a life partner, combined with drastic changes in daily routine and financial insecurity, can be emotionally devastating.

Depression is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, a lack of interest in activities once enjoyed, and a general decline in both physical and mental energy. The immense pain of losing a partner, the shifting roles and responsibilities, and the drastic adjustments in lifestyle can significantly impact one's mental and emotional health, leading to what is often referred to as divorce depression.

There are several common triggers that contribute to this condition. Social isolation, often a result of changes in social circles or self-imposed withdrawal, can exacerbate feelings of loneliness and sadness. Financial upheaval, a common consequence of divorce, can lead to stress and anxiety, further compounding feelings of despair. Fear of the future, feelings of failure, or intense anger towards the ex-participant can also contribute to the onset of depression.

Gray divorce often comes with a unique set of societal pressures and psychological factors that contribute to heightened anxiety. Anxiety presents as an excessive worry or fear that doesn't go away and can worsen over time, impacting daily activities such as job performance, schoolwork, and relationships.

The societal stigma associated with ending a long-term marriage can exacerbate feelings of guilt and embarrassment, intensifying the emotional stress involved. This is further compounded by the potential for poor mental health as individuals grapple with the reality of their situation.

The psychological impact of gray divorce is profound, often leading to an upsurge in anxiety levels. The sudden disruption of familiar routines, coupled with the fear of facing the future alone, can be emotionally taxing. Also, concerns about financial security, especially for those who are retired or nearing retirement age, can add an extra layer of anxiety. The lower socioeconomic status that often follows gray divorce can lead to increased worry about meeting basic needs and maintaining one's standard of living.

Physical Health Decline

The trauma of late-life divorce also manifests itself physically in numerous ways. Disrupted sleep cycles, exhaustion, and weakened immune systems are common side effects.

In the aforementioned Journal of Men’s Health study, the researchers also found that people who are divorced (or widowed) are:

  • 20% more likely to have long-term health problems, such as cancer, diabetes, metabolic issues, heart disease, or chronic health concerns.
  • 23% more likely to have mobility issues (when it comes to walking or climbing stairs).

The study also found that divorced men have a higher mortality rate than married men because they suffer more strokes and heart attacks. This could be attributed to cases where older adults struggle to maintain healthy eating, exercise, and medical routines without help and/or reminders from their spouses. Loss of appetite, alcohol abuse, and neglecting medications or doctor visits frequently occur post-divorce.

While divorced women are also more at risk for heart attacks as well, their risk increased if they were divorced more than once. However, a University of Texas, Austin study found that divorced women’s health issues often stem from stressors about money, as they may find themselves in very different financial situations following their divorce.

Tips for Coping & Moving Forward

While certainly difficult, it is possible to recover both physically and mentally from a gray divorce. Here are a few things to consider when it comes to protecting your health:

  • Maintaining social connections and community support networks is crucial. Close family and friends can provide both emotional comfort and practical assistance.
  • Seeking professional help through counseling or therapy groups geared toward older adults can also facilitate the healing process. Support groups connect people going through similar challenges.
  • Establishing new routines and exploring new hobbies, interests, or careers can restore motivation. Proper self-care through nutrition, fitness, sleep hygiene, and medical care is also essential. With time, effort, and support, it is possible to regain peace and stability and even find a new purpose after a gray divorce.

Learn more by reading our blog, “Mistakes to Avoid After Divorce.

Call (949) 577-7935 to Schedule a Consultation Today

When going through a divorce, the right legal representation can make all the difference. With The Neshanian Law Firm, Inc, you can expect a team of seasoned attorneys committed to protecting your interests and guiding you through the process with empathy and professionalism.

The Neshanian Law Firm, Inc has built a reputation for effective communication, professionalism, and compassion.

Our team understands that divorce is a deeply personal and often distressing experience, which is why we make it a point to keep their clients informed and involved at every stage of the process. Our professionalism shines through in our commitment to providing quality legal advice, while their compassion ensures they handle each case with the sensitivity it deserves.

When you retain our services, we can also help you understand how certain legal decisions can affect your financial health, particularly in relation to matters such as property division, alimony, and child support. It is essential to understand that each decision made during a divorce proceeding can have profound financial ramifications, some of which may not be immediately apparent and some of which can have a bearing on your future stress levels and overall health.

Contact our team online to get started on your case.