Irvine, CA Domestic Violence Lawyers
Compassionate Representation for Clients in Orange County
If you have been injured as the result of a domestic violence incident, or if a former significant other or spouse has wrongfully accused you of causing them bodily harm, it is crucial that you retain a knowledgeable Irvine domestic violence lawyer.
Attorney Amy Neshanian can work tenaciously to help you obtain a permanent protection order, or aggressively defend you in family law court against malicious and false accusations of domestic violence.
At The Neshanian Law Firm, Inc, Irvine Domestic Violence Attorney Amy Neshanian has nearly two decades’ experience providing effective legal representation to clients who have been injured in a domestic violence situation, as well as to those who have been falsely accused of causing harm to another as a means of obtaining an advantage in ongoing family law litigation.
Attorney Amy Neshanian represents clients in a wide variety of matters, including:
- Obtaining temporary protective orders
- Obtaining permanent protective orders
- Defending against the issuance of a protective order
- Defending falsely accused individuals in family law-related matters
Confidential Legal Support for Domestic Violence Victims
For exceptional legal representation, please contact Attorney Amy Neshanian at (949) 577-7935 to make an appointment for a confidential, in-office consultation. She is a Certified Family Law Specialist by The State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization.
During your consultation, Irvine Domestic Violence Lawyer Amy Neshanian will fully explain all of your legal options, enabling you to make educated decisions regarding how you wish to proceed in this matter. An exceptional attorney dedicated solely to the representation of family law clients, she can fully review the facts of your matter, and provide an up-front, comprehensive consultation and legal analysis.
All client communications will be addressed quickly, and we will regularly update you regarding the status of your case. Additionally, if Attorney Amy Neshanian is made aware of any new information that could potentially impact the outcome of your domestic violence matter, she will contact you immediately. Together we will review the new issues, and Attorney Amy Neshanian will begin formulating a new case strategy to intelligently and effectively address problems that may arise as a result.
Protective Orders for Victims of Domestic Violence
The Neshanian Law Firm, Inc and Attorney Amy Neshanian have been fighting to protect the victims of domestic violence since 2005. If you have been injured by a partner, spouse, roommate, or other close family member, it is imperative that you call 911 immediately.
Contact Irvine Domestic Violence Attorney Amy Neshanian at (949) 577-7935 as soon as you have reached safety. We can help you obtain a Temporary Restraining (Protective) Order, also known as a TRO, either the same day or the very next day.
After the TRO is issued, the court clerk will schedule a hearing at a later time, wherein you will be able to request the issuance of a permanent protective order.
In the state of California, domestic violence laws have been enacted to protect:
- Individuals who cohabitate, or used to cohabitate, including platonic roommates
- Current or former spouses/partners
- Immediate family members
Domestic violence can dramatically affect new or ongoing cases that are being heard in the family law court. The judges possess the legal authority to force the aggressor to move out of the home where the victim resides, change earlier physical custody rulings, suspend visitation, or require that visitation be supervised by a third party.
If you are a domestic violence victim, contact Attorney Amy Neshanian at The Neshanian Law Firm, Inc to learn the steps that we can help you take to protect your physical safety as well as that of your children and other loved ones.
Defending Against False Allegations of Domestic Violence
If have been falsely accused of harming a spouse or significant other, or of physically or sexually abusing a child who is the subject of a custody or visitation dispute, you must stop any and all communications or personal contact with the individual making false allegations against you, as well as the individual whom you have been accused of harming.
Contact Attorney Amy Neshanian at The Neshanian Law Firm, Inc without delay.
Regrettably, wrongful allegations of sexual and physical abuse are not uncommon in bitter and highly combative family law matters. The claim alone can cause irreparable damage, such as:
- Personal and professional reputation.
- Possible arrest and jailtime.
- Losing the right to see your children.
If you are the subject of malicious and false allegations of abuse, we can fight zealously to preserve your freedom, protect your rights, take immediate action to restore your reputation, as well as help you reinstate contact with your children.
Attorney Amy Neshanian can thoroughly review all official documentation that exists. In order to restore your stature within the community and credibility before the court, experts will be brought in when necessary to testify that these allegations are thoroughly invalid, and were fabricated solely to discredit your standing in court.
Do not wait to retain legal counsel. Call Attorney Amy Neshanian immediately to learn how she can help you disprove these phony claims and obtain fair results on your behalf. We offer free 15 minute phone consultations.
Contact The Neshanian Law Firm, Inc. for Immediate Assistance
If you have suffered harm in an incident of domestic violence or have been wrongfully accused of committing an act of domestic violence against a former significant other, or abuse against your child, please call us as soon as possible. Attorney Amy Neshanian can fight ardently to bring about a quick and effective resolution of your case.
Call (949) 577-7935 to schedule your consultation.

Why Choose Us for Your Family Law Needs
We're Committed to your success and satisfaction.
We are committed to protecting your families best interest & will go to court to fight for you.
We make our clients our priority and ensure they get the personalized attention they need.
Attorney Amy Neshanian is a Certified Family Law Specialist & exclusively devotes her practice to helping families.
Our Attorneys have over 45 years of combined experience in handling family law matters.